LL: Oh, hey there, Li Hua, I see the game has started. What"s the big stink?
LH: 球賽剛開始。你說這兒有臭味? 我沒有聞到什麼臭味呀!
LL: No, I don"t mean your apartment is stinking. I was asking why the soccer players are making a big stink. Big stink means making a big fuss or complaining.
LH: 噢,你是問電視上這些球員在吵什麼?嗨,美國隊踢進了一個球,可是沒有得分,因為裁判判定失誤,所以就吵了起來。
LL: So, the players are mad, and the U.S. soccer coach is making a big stink by arguing with the referee.
LH: 是啊, 美國隊個個氣得火冒三丈。美國教練通常比較低調, 這次也忍不住跟裁判爭執,表示強烈不滿。
LL: Yeah, but I don"t think making a big stink about the call is going to change the referee"s mind.