【關鍵詞】人力資本 勞動力價值 資本主義經濟關係
Human Capital Theory and the Value of Labour Power
Xie Fusheng & Li An
ABSTRACT: Human capital theory abstracts from social production relations and class relations. It is thus only a partial theory of production factors. Therefore, combining human capital theory with Marxian economics will vulgarize the scientific theories of capital and labour power. Although Human capital theory recognizes the importance of the quality of labour power in the process of capital accumulation, it is from the capitalist power-based relations that we can understand the inherent relations between the value of labour power and skills of labour. Human capital theory pays attention to the effect of education on individual and social development. However, the functions of education are to reproduce labour power as well as the social production relations. As a result, under unequal social-economic relations, education in fact legalizes the inequality of the society.