LL: Well, it was worth a try! You’ve got so much to be psyched about, Lihua - you’ve got your new, cool job, a new place, and the best friend in the world to help you move your stuff!
LH: 還真是,好事都讓我趕上了。
LL: I’m psyched for you.
LH: 那我們得慶祝慶祝。Now. What is something Larry would get psyched for...ah yes, - a free dinner! 晚上我請客。
LL: Larry certainly would be psyched about that! In fact, he’s so psyched that he can’t wait! This apartment hunting makes me really hungry.
LH: (Laughing) 別說,我肚子也開始叫了。那你想吃什麼?
LL: I’d be the most psyched for some Burger King! Their new triple cheeseburger sounds delicious! What do you think?