LH: 要這麼說,living in the big city can burn a hole in your pocket. 除了電視,還有房租、電費和食物,光是日常花銷就能在“我的口袋裡燒個大洞”。
LL: Well said, Li Hua! If you have the same salary but move to a more expensive city, the daily cost of living can burn a much bigger hole in your pocket than before.
LH: 這就是為什麼花錢要有計劃,不能想買什麼買什麼,否則肯定入不敷出。
LL: Gas prices have climbed to new highs. I only drive to work twice a week to save money, because it was really beginning to burn a serious hole in my pocket.
LH: 最近油價確實貴得嚇人,還好我坐地鐵上班,既省錢又環保。
LL: There are so many things that can potentially burn a hole in your pocket. Expensive habits can really hurt you, which is why I’m glad that I quit smoking.