LL: He told me the tow truck finally arrived. It looks like I"m off the hook!
LH: Off the hook? 這種說法跟釣魚有關吧?
LL: Yes, it does, Li Hua. You know when you go fishing for fun, how you put a hook on the end of your line?
LH: 當然了,我還記得上次跟你老爸一起去釣魚,魚線最後面有一個鉤子,在上面掛上魚餌。
LL: And when a worm is off the hook, it is free. Just like I am now. I am off the hook, because I don"t need to drive Dave to work after all.
LH: 所以,off the hook就是脫身的意思。你不用再開車送Dave去上班了,所以你說自己是off the hook.
LL: That"s right. Say, speaking of obligations, don"t you have a Chinese class you should be teaching right now?