M: Well, sometimes we might say a movie or a play "bombed". That means that no one wanted to see it, and it probably lost a lot of money.
L: 噢,還可以指電影,或話劇太次,沒有人要看,賣座率太低。我上 星期去看了一次電影,劇院裡沒幾個人。後來我才看到報紙評論 說這部電影太糟了。我能不能說:"The movie I saw last week bombed"?
M: Sounds like it bombed to me. Remember the play we went to a few weeks ago? The actors were terrible!
L: 對,你說幾個星期前去看的那場話劇,有幾個話劇演員簡直是 太糟 了。That play really bombed! 我說得對不對?
M: Absolutely! Hey listen, Li Hua, can we please change the subject? I don"t want to think about failure right now. What would you like to eat? It"s my treat.