海盜首領向乘客們禮貌地鞠了一躬後,優雅地用英語說道:“Ladies and gentlemen, good morning. I'm sorry to wake you up too early. As you know, we are pirates. However, we are different from other pirates, for we don't kill. I believe that everybody in here is smart enough, therefore, I hope we'll enjoy our cooperation. We need one hour, only one hour! After one hour, everybody can go back to sleep, then, you will forget everything that happened tonight. Now, please put all your valuables into our bags. Do not try to resist, we really don't want to hurt you. That's all, thank you for attention.(女士們先生們,早上好。很抱歉這麼早把你們叫醒。正如你們所知,我們是海盜。但我們又和其他海盜不同,因為我們不殺人。我相信這裡所有的人都足夠聰明,所以我希望我們能夠合作愉快。我們需要一個小時,僅僅一個小時。一個小時以後,大家就可以回去睡覺,然後,你們就會忘記今晚發生的一切。現在,請大家把值錢的東西都放進我們的口袋裡。不要試圖反抗,我們真的不想傷害你們。我的話完了,謝謝大家。)”