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Colonial America

Victoria De John Anderson, New England 's generation:the great migration and the formation of society and culture in the seventeenth century(New York:Cambridge University Press, 1991)

Bernard Bailyn, The New England merchants in the seventeenth century(Cambridge, MA:Harvard University Press, 1955)

Bernard Bailyn, Atlantic history:concept and contours(Cambridge, MA:Harvard University Press, 2005)

T.H.Breen, Puritans and adventurers:change and persistence in early America(New York:Oxford University Press, 1980)

Francis J.Bremer, The Puritan experiment:New England society from Bradford to Edward(Hanover, NH:University Press of New England , 1995)

FrancisJ.Bremer, John Winthrop:America's forgotten founding father(Oxford:Oxford University Press, 2003)

Carl Bridenbaugh, Jamestown 1544-1699(New York:Oxford University Press, 1980)

Jon Butler, Becoming America:the revolution before 1776(Cambridge, MA:Harvard University Press, 2001)

Elaine Forman Crane, Ebb tide in New England :women, seaports, and social change, 1630-1800(Boston:Northeastern University Press, 1998)

William Cronon, Changes in the land :Indians, colonists, and the ecology of New England (New York:Hill and Wang, 1983)

John Putnam Demos, A little common wealth:family life in Plymouth Colony(New York:Oxford University Press, 1982)

John Putnam Demos, The unredeemedcaptive:a family story from early America(New York:Rand om House, 1994)

J.H.Elliott, Empires of the Atlantic world:Britain and Spain in America, 1492-1830(New Haven, CT:Yale University Press, 2006)

David Hackett Fischer, Albion's seed:four British folkways in America(New York:Oxford University Press, 1989)

Stephen Foster, The long argument:English Puritanism and the shaping of New England culture 1570-1700(Chapel Hill:The University of North Carolina Press, 1991)

Kimberly S.Hanger, Boundedlives, bounded places:free black society in colonial New Orleans, 1769-1803(Durham, NC and London:Duke University Press, 1997)

Francis Jennings, The ambiguous Iroquois empire(New York:W.W.Norton and Co., 1984)

Francis Jennings, Empire of fortune:crowns, colonies, and tribes in the seven years war in America(New York:W.W.Norton and Co., 1988)

Edward Douglas Leach, Roots of conflict:British armed forces and colonial Americans, 1677-1763(Chapel Hill:The University of North Carolina Press, 1986)

Jill Lepore, The name of war:King Philip's War and the origins of American identity(New York:Alfred Knopf, 1998)

John Frederick Martin, Profits in the wilderness:entrepreneurship and the founding of New England towns in the seventeenth century(Chapel Hill:University of North Carolina Press, 2001)

Richard Middleton, Colonial America:a history, 1565-1776(Oxford:Oxford University Press, 2002)

Edmund S.Morgan, American slavery , American freedom:the ordeal of colonial Virginia(New York:W.W.Norton and Company, 1975)

Gary B.Nash, Red, white, and black:the peoples of early America(Englewood Cliffs, NJ:Prentice Hall, 1974)

Mary Beth Norton, Founding mothers and fathers:genderedpowerand theforming of American society(New York:Alfred Knopf, 1996)

Anthony S.Parent, Jr., Foul means:the formation of a slave society in Virginia, 1660-1740(Chapel Hill:University of North Carolina Press, 2003)

William D.Piersen, Black Yankees:the development of an Afro-American subculture in eighteenth-century New England (Amherst, MA:University of Massachusetts Press, 1988)

James Pritchard, In search of empire:the French in the Americas, 1670-1730(Cambridge:Cambridge University Press, 2004)

Neal Salisbury, Manitou and Providence:Indians, Europeans, and the making of New England , 1500-1643(New York:Oxford University Press, 1982)

Laurel Thatcher Ulrich, Good wives:image and reality in the lives of women in northern New England 1650-1750(New York:Oxford University Press, 1982)

Laurel Thatcher Ulrich, A midwife's tale:the life of Martha Ballard, basedonher diary, 1785-1812(New York:Rand om House, 1990)

Alden T.Vaughan, Roots of American racism:essays on the colonial experience(New York:Oxford University Press, 1995)

Revolution and Independence

David Armitage, The Declaration of Independence:A global history(Cambridge, MA:Harvard University Press, 2007)

Bernard Bailyn, The ideological origins of the American Revolution(Cambridge, MA:Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1967)

Bernard Bailyn, Faces of revolution:personalities and themes in the struggle for American independence(New York:Alfred A.Knopf, 1990)

Bernard, Bailyn, To begin the world anew:the genius and ambiguities of the American founders(New York:Alfred A.Knopf, 2003)

Colin Bonwick, English radicals and the American Revolution(Chapel Hill:The University of North Carolina Press, 1977)

Colin Bonwick, The American Revolution(Charlottesville:University Press of Virginia, 1991)

Pauline Maier, From resistance to revolution:colonial radicals and the development of American opposition to Britain, 1765-1776(New York:Alfred A.Knopf, 1972)

Pauline Maier, American scripture:making the Declaration of Independence(New York:Alfred A.Knopf, 1996)

Robert Middlekauff, The glorious cause:the American Revolution, 1763-1789.Rev.ed.(New York:Oxford University Press, 2005)

Edmund S.Morgan, The birth of the republic, 1763-89.3rd ed.(Chicago:University of Chicago Press, 1992)

Gary B.Nash, The urban crucible:social change, political consciousness, and the origins of the American Revolution(Cambridge, MA:Harvard University Press, 1979)

Charles Royster, A revolutionarypeople at war:the continentalarmy and American character(Chapel Hill:The University of North Carolina Press, 1979)

John Shy, A people numerous and armed:reflections on the military struggle for American independence(Ann Arbor:The University of Michigan Press, 1976)

Gordon S.Wood, The creation of the American republic, 1776-1787(Chapel Hill:University of North Carolina Press, 1969)

Gordon S.Wood, The radicalism of the American Revolution(New York:Alfred A.Knopf, 1992)

Gordon S.Wood, The American Revolution:a history(New York:Modern Library, 2002)

The Early Republic and Antebellum America

Joyce Appleby, Inheriting the revolution:thefirstgeneration of Americans(Cambridge, MA and London:The Belknap Press of HarvardUniversityPress, 2000)

John Ashworth, Slavery , capitalism, and politics in the antebellum republic, Vol.1, commerce and compromise, 1820-1850(New York and Cambridge:Cambridge University Press, 1996)

John Ashworth, Slavery , capitalism, and politics in the antebellum republic, Vol.2, the coming of the civil war, 1850-1861(New York and Cambridge:Cambridge University Press, 2007)

JosephP.Ferrie, Yankeys now:immigrantsin theantebellum United States, 1840-1860(New York and Oxford:Oxford University Press, 1999)

Marshall Foletta, Coming to terms with democracy:federalist intellectuals and the shaping of an American culture(Charlottesville and London:University Press of Virginia, 2001)

Eric Foner, Free soil, free labor, free men:the ideology of the Republican Party before the civilwar(New York:Oxford University Press, 1970)

Susan-Mary Grant, North over south:northern nationalism and American identity in the antebellum era(Lawrence:University Press of Kansas, 2000)

John Higham, Strangers in the land :patterns of American nativism(New York:Athaneum Press, 1971)

Reginald Horsman, Race and manifest destiny:the origins of American racial Anglo-Saxonism(Cambridge, MA:Harvard University Press, 1981)

Winthrop D.Jordan, White over black:American attitudes toward the Negro 1550-1812(Chapel Hill:The University of North Carolina Press, 1968)

John Lauritz Larson, The market revolution in America:liberty, ambition, and the eclipse of the common good(New York:Cambridge University Press, 2010)

Simon P.Newman, Parades and the politics of the street:festive culture in the early American republic(Philadelphia:University of Pennsylvania Press, 1997)

Leonard L.Richards, The slave power:the free north and southern domination, 1780-1860(Baton Rouge:Louisiana State University Press, 2000)

Charles G.Sellers, The marketrevolution:Jacksonian America, 1815-1846(New York:Oxford University Press, 1991)

Jay Sexton, The Monroedoctrine:empire and nation in nineteenth centuryAmerica(New York:Hill and Wang, 2011)

David Waldstreicher, In the midst of perpetual fetes:the making of American nationalism, 1776-1820(Chapel Hill:The University of North Carolina Press, 1997)

Gordon S.Wood, Empire of liberty:a history of the early republic, 1789-1815(New York:Oxford University Press, 2010)

Slavery and the South

Robert E.Bonner, Mastering America:southern slaveholders and the crisis of American nationhood(New Yorkand Cambridge:Cambridge UniversityPress, 2009)

Catherine Clinton, Theplantation mistress:woman's worldin the oldSouth(New York:Pantheon Books, 1982)

Carl N.Degler, The other South:southern dissenters in the nineteenth century(1974.Paperback Reprint.New York:Harper and Row, 1975)

William Dusinberre, Them dark days:slavery in the American rice swamps(New York and Oxford:Oxford University Press, 1996)

William W.Freehling, The road to disunion, Vol.I, secessionists at bay, 1776-1854(New York and Oxford:Oxford University Press, 1990)

William W.Freehling, The road to disunion, Vol.II, secessionists triumphant, 1854-1861(New York and Oxford:Oxford University Press, 2007)

J.Matthew Gallman, Northerners at war:reflections on the civilwarhomefront(Kent, OH:Kent State University Press, 2010)

Elizabeth Fox-Genovese and Eugene D.Genovese, The mind of the master class:history and faith in the southern slaveholders'worldview(New York:Cambridge University Press, 2005)

Thavolia Glymph, Out of the house of bondage:the transformation of the plantation household(New York:Cambridge University Press, 2008)

MichaelA.Gomez, Exchanging our country marks:the transformation of African identities in the colonialand antebellum South(Chapel Hill:The University of North Carolina Press, 1998)

John McCardell, The idea of a southern nation:southern nationalists and southern nationalism, 1830-1860(New Yorkand London:W.W.Norton and Company, 1979)

William Lee Miller, Arguing about slavery :the great battle in the United States congress(New York:Alfred A.Knopf, 1996)

Franny Nudelman, John Brown's body:slavery , violence, and the culture of war(Chapel Hill:The University of North Carolina Press, 2004)

Manisha Sinha, The counterrevolution of slavery :politics and ideology in antebellum South Carolina(Chapel Hill and London:The University of North Carolina Press, 2000)

Larry E.Tise, Proslavery :a history of the defense of slavery in America, 1701-1840(Athens and London:The University of Georgia Press, 1987)

The Civil War Era

Melinda Lawson, Patriotfires:forging a new American nationalism in the civil war North(Lawrence:University Press of Kansas, 2002)

StephenV.Ash, When the Yankees came:conflictand chaosin the occupiedSouth, 1861-1865(1995.Reprint.Chapel Hill:The University of North Carolina Press, 2002)

RichardFranklin Bensel, Yankeeleviathan:the origins of centralstateauthorityin America, 1859-1877(New York and Cambridge:Cambridge University Press, 1990)

David W.Blight, Race and reunion:the civil war in American memory(Cambridge, MA and London:The Belknap Press of HarvardUniversityPress, 2001)

Gabor Boritt, The Gettysburg gospel:the Lincoln speech that nobody knows(New York:Simon and Schuster, 2006)

Michael Burlingame, The inner worldof Abraham Lincoln(Champaign:University of Illinois Press, 1994)

Orville Vernon Burton, The age of Lincoln(New York:Hill and Wang, 2007)

William L.Burton, Melting pot soldiers:the Union ethnic regiments.2nd ed.(New York:Fordham University Press, 1998)

Jacqueline Glass Campbell, When Sherman marched north from the sea:resistance on the Confederate home front(Chapel Hill and London:The University of North Carolina Press, 2003)

Richard Carwardine, Lincoln:a life of purpose and power(New York:Knopf Publishing Group, 2006)

Christopher Clark, Social change in America:from the revolution through the civilwar(London:Ivan Dee, 2006)

Robert Cook, Civil War America:making a nation, 1848-1877(London:Pearson/Longman, 2003)

Laura F.Edwards, Scarlettdoesn'tlivehere anymore:southern womenin the civil war era(Champaign:University of Illinois Press, 2000)

Drew Gilpin Faust, This republic of suffering:death and the American civil war(New York:Alfred A.Knopf, 2008)

Eric Foner, Reconstruction:America's unfinished revolution, 1863-1877(New York:Harper and Row, 1988)

Eugene D.Genovese, A consumingfire:the fall of the Confederacy in the mind of the white Christian South(Athens and London:The University of Georgia Press, 1998)

William E.Gienapp, Abraham Lincoln and civil war America:a biography(Oxford University Press, 2002)

Joseph T.Glatthaar, Forgedin battle:the civilwar alliance of black soldiers and white of ficers(New York:Meridian, 1991)

Susan-Mary Grant, The war for a nation:the American civil war(New York:Routledge, 2006)

Daniel Walker Howe, Whathath God wrought:the transformation of America, 1815-1848(New York:Oxford University Press, 2008)

Robert Hunt, The good men who won the war:Army of the Cumberland veterans and emancipation memory(Tuscaloosa:The University of Alabama Press, 2010)

Caroline E.Janney, Burying the dead but not the past:ladies memorial associations and the lost cause(Chapel Hill:The University of North Carolina Press, 2008)

Robert Walter Johannsen, The frontier, the Union, and Stephen A.Douglass(Urbana:University of Illinois Press, 1989)

Bruce Levine, Confederate emancipation:southern plans to free and arm slaves during the civilwar(New York and Oxford:Oxford University Press, 2006)

Chand ra Manning, What this cruelwar was over:soldiers, slavery , and the civil war(New York:Vintage Books, 2007)

Russell McClintock, Lincoln and the decision for war:the northern response to secession(Chapel Hill:University of North Carolina Press, 2008)

Stephanie McCurry, Confederate reckoning:power and politics in the civil war South(Cambridge, MA:Harvard University Press, 2010)

James M.McPherson, Battle cry of freedom:the civil war era(New York and Oxford:Oxford University Press, 1988)

James M.McPherson, Whattheyfoughtfor, 1861-1865(Baton Rouge:Louisiana State University Press, 1994)

James M.McPherson, For cause and comrades:why men foughtin the civilwar(Oxford and New York:Oxford University Press, 1997)

Michael A.Morrison, Slavery and the American west:the eclipse of manifest destiny and the coming of the civil war(Chapel Hill:University of North Carolina Press, 1997)

John R.Neff, Honoring the civilwar dead:commemoration and the problem of reconciliation(Lawrence:University Press of Kansas, 2005)

PeterJ.Parish, The American civilwar(New York:Holmes and Meier, 1975)

W.Scott Poole, Never surrender:Confederate memory and conservatism in the South Carolina upcountry(Athens and London:The University of Georgia Press, 2004)

DavidM.Potter, Theimpending crisis, 1848-1861(New York:Harper and Row, 1976)

George C.Rable, Fredericksburg!Fredericksburg!(Chapel Hill and London:University of North Carolina Press, 2002)

Brian Holden Reid, The origins of the American civil war(Harlow, Essex:Longman, 1996)

Charles Royster, The destructive war:William Tecumseh Sherman, Stonewall Jackson, and the Americans(1991.Reprint.New York:Rand om House, 1993)

Julie Saville, The work of reconstruction:from slave to wage laborer in South Carolina, 1860-1870(1994.Paperback Reprint.New York and Cambridge:Cambridge University Press, 1996)

MarkSchantz, Awaitingtheheavenly country:the civilwarand America's culture of death(Ithaca, NY and London:Cornell University Press, 2008)

Harry S.Stout, Upon the altar of the nation:a moralhistory of the civilwar(New York:Penguin Books, 2006)

ElizabethR.Varon, Disunion!:the coming of the American civilwar, 1789-1859(Chapel Hill:The University of North Carolina Press, 2008)

Bell Irvin Wiley, The life of Johnny Reb:the common soldier of the Confederacy(1943.Reprint.Baton Rouge.Louisiana State University Press, 1989)

Bell Irvin Wiley, The life of Billy Yank:the common soldier of the Union(1952.Reprint.Baton Rouge:Louisiana State University Press, 1989)

The West

Stephen Ambrose, Crazy Horse and Custer:the parallel lives of two American warriors(New York:Doubleday, 1975)

Stephen E.Ambrose, Undaunted courage:Meriwether Lewis, ThomasJefferson, and the opening of the American west(New York:Simon&Schuster, 1996)

Pekka H¨am¨al¨ainen, The Comanche empire(New Haven, CT:Yale University Press, 2008)

Patricia Nelson Limerick, Thelegacy of conquest:the unbrokenpastof the American west(New York and London:W.W.Norton and Company, 1987)

Dean L.May, Three frontiers:family, land , and society in the American west, 1850-1900(New York:Cambridge University Press, 1994)

William G.Robbins, Colony and empire:the capitalist transformation of the American west(Lawrence:University Press of Kansas, 1994)

Richard Slotkin, Fatal environment:the myth of the frontier in the age of industrialization, 1800-1890(New York:Atheneum Publishers, 1985)

Henry Nash Smith, Virgin land :the American west as symbol and myth(Cambridge, MA:Harvard University Press, 1950)

RichardWhite, “It's your misfortune and none of my own”:a newhistory of the American west(Norman:University of Oklahoma Press, 1991)

Donald Worster, Under western skies:nature and history in the American west(New York:Oxford University Press, 1992)

The Gilded Age/Progressive Era

Sven Beckert, The monied metropolis:New York City and the consolidation of the American bourgeoisie, 1850-1896(Cambridge:Cambridge University Press, 2001)

Edward J.Blum, Reforging the white republic:race, religion, and American nationalism, 1865-1898(Baton Rouge:Louisiana State University Press, 2005)

John M.Cooper, Jr., Pivotaldecades:The United States, 1900-1920(New York:W.W.Norton and Co., 1990)

StevenJ.Diner, A very differentage:Americans of the progressive era(New York:Hill and Wang, 1998)

Judith N.McArthur, Creating the new woman:the rise of women's progressive culture in Texas, 1893-1918(Urbana and Chicago:University of Illinois Press, 1998)

Nell Irvin Painter, Stand ing atArmageddon:the United States, 1877-1919(New York:W.W.Norton and Co., 1987)

Stephen Skowronek, Building a new American state:the expansion of national administrative capacities, 1877-1920(New York and Cambridge:Cambridge University Press, 1982)

Robert Wiebe, The search for order, 1877-1920(New York:Hill and Wang, 1980)

America between the wars

Michael C.C.Adams, The best war ever:America and World War II(Baltimore:The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1994)

AnthonyJ.Badger, The New Deal:The Depression years, 1933-1940(Basingstoke:Macmillan, 1989)

John Morton Blum, V was for victory:politics and American culture in World War II(New York:Harcourt Brace and Company, 1976)

James MacGregor Burns, Roosevelt:the lion and the fox(New York:Harcourt Brace and Company, 1956)

John Diggins, The proud decades:America in war and peace, 1941-1960(New York:W.W.Norton and Co., 1988)

David S.Foglesong, America's secret war against Bolshevism:U.S.intervention in the Russian civil war, 1917-1920(Chapel Hill:The University of North Carolina Press, 1995)

Ellis W.Hawley, The Great War and the search for a modern order:a history of the American People and their institutions, 1917-1933(New York:St Martin's Press, 1979)

David M.Kennedy, Overhere:the First World War and American society(New York:Oxford University Press, 1980)

David M.Kennedy, Freedom from fear:the American people in depression and war, 1929-1945.New ed.(New York:Oxford University Press, 2001)

William Leuchtenburg, Franklin D.Roosevelt and the New Deal, 1932-1940(New York:Harper and Row, 1963)

William Leuchtenburg, The perils of prosperity, 1914-32.2nd ed.(Chicago:The University of Chicago Press, 1993)

Michael E.Parrish, Anxious decades:America in prosperity and depression, 1920-1941(New York:W.W.Norton, 1992)

Cold War America

Stephen Ambrose, Nixon, 3 Vols:Vol.1, the education of a politician;Vol.2, the triumph of a politician, 1962-1972;Vol.3, ruin and recovery , 1973-1990

(New York:Simon&Schuster, 1987, 1991)

Larry Berman, No peace, no honor:Nixon, Kissinger, and betrayal in Vietnam(New York:The Free Press, 2001)

Irving Bernstein, Promises kept:John F.Kennedy's new frontier(New York and Oxford:Oxford University Press, 1991)

John Morton Blum, Years of discord:American politics and society, 1961-1974(New York:W.W.Norton and Co., 1991)

Paul Boyer, By the bomb's early light:American thought and culture at the dawn of the atomic age(Chapel Hill:University of North Carolina Press, 1994)

Taylor Branch, Parting the waters:America in the King years, 1954-63(New York:Simon&Schuster, 1988)

Taylor Branch, Pillar of fire:America in the King years, 1963-65(New York:Simon&Schuster, 1998)

Carl M.Brauer, John F.Kennedy and the second reconstruction(New York:Columbia University Press, 1977)

Mary Charlotte Brennan, Turning rightin the Sixties:the conservative capture of the GOP(Chapel Hill:University of North Carolina Press, 1995)

Thomas R.Brooks, Walls come tumbling down:a history of the civil rights movement, 1940-1970(Englewood Cliffs, NJ:Prentice-Hall, 1974)

H.W.Brand s, The devil we knew:Americans and the Cold War(New York:Oxford, 1993)

David Caute, The great fear:the anti-communist purge under Truman and Eisenhower(New York:Simon and Schuster, 1978)

Robert J.Cook, Troubled commemoration:the American civil war centennial, 1961-1965(Baton Rouge:Louisiana State University Press, 2007)

Alastair Cooke, A generation on trial:U.S.A.v.Alger Hiss(New York:AlfredA.Knopf, 1951)

Robert Dallek, John F.Kennedy:an unfinished life.Rev.ed.(New York:Penguin, 2004)

Robert Dallek, Lyndon B.Johnson:portrait of a president(New York and Oxford:Oxford University Press, 2004)

Robert Dallek, Nixon and Kissinger:partners in power(New York:Harper Collins, 2007)

Gareth Davies, From opportunity to entitlement:the transformation and decline of Great Society liberalism(Lawrence:University Press of Kansas, 1996)

Robert A.Divine, Blowing on the wind:the nuclear test ban debate, 1954-1960(New York:Oxford University Press, 1978)

Robert A.Divine, The Sputnik challenge:Eisenhower's response to the Soviet satellite(New York:Oxford University Press, 1993)

Adam Fairclough, To redeem the soul of America:the Southern Christian Leadership Conference and Martin Luther King, Jr.(Athens:University of Georgia Press, 1987)

Lawrence Freedman, The evolution of nuclear strategy.2nded.(Basingstoke and London:Macmillan Press, 1989)

John Lewis Gaddis, The United States and the origins of the Cold War(New York:Columbia University Press, 1972)

John Lewis Gaddis, We now know:rethinking Cold War history(Oxford and New York:Oxford University Press, 1997)

David J.Garrow, Bearing the cross:Martin Luther King, Jr., and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference(New York:W.Morrow, 1986)

David Halberstam, Thefifties(New York:Rand om House, 1996)

Michael J.Heale, American anti communism:combating the enemy within, 1830-1970(Baltimore:The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1990)

Michael J.Heale, McCarthy's Americans:red scare politics in state and nation, 1935-1965(London:Palgrave Macmillan, 1998)

Michael J.Heale, The sixties in America:history, politics and protest(Edinburgh:University of Edinburgh Press, 2001)

Seymour Hersch, The dark side of Camelot(New York:Harper Collins, 1998)

Andrew J.Huebner, The warrior image:soldiers in American culture from the Second World War to the Vietnam era(Chapel Hill:University of North Carolina Press, 2008)

Arnold R.Isaacs, Vietnam shadows:the war, its ghosts, and it slegacy(Baltimore:Johns Hopkins University Press, 1997)

Rhodri Jeffreys-Jones, Peace now!:American society and the ending of the Vietnam War, New Edition(New Haven, CT:Yale University Press, 2001)

Philip Jenkins, The Cold War athome:the redscare in Pennsylvania, 1945-1960(Chapel Hill:The University of North Carolina Press, 1999)

Zachary Karabell, Architects of intervention:the United States, the third world, and the Cold War, 1946-1962(Baton Rouge:Louisiana State University Press, 1999)

Gabriel Kolko, Anatomy of a war:Vietnam, the United States, and the modern historical experience(New York:Pantheon, 1985)

Mark Atwood Lawrence, Assuming the burden:Europe and the American commitment to war in Vietnam(Berkeley:University of California Press, 2005)

Guenter Lewy, America in Vietnam(New York:Oxford University Press, 1978)

Scott Lucas, Freedom's war:the American crusade againstthe Soviet Union(New York:New York University Press, 1999)

David Maraniss, They marched into sunlight:war and peace, Vietnam and America, October 1967(New York:Simon and Schuster 2005)

Elaine Tyler May, Homeward bound:American families in the coldwar era(New York:Basic Books, 1988)

Myra MacPherson, Long time passing:Vietnam and the haunted generation(Garden City, NJ:Doubleday, 1984)

AllenJ.Matusow, The unraveling of America:ahistory of liberalism in the 1960s(New York:Harper and Row, 1984)

Walter A.McDougall, The heavens and the earth:a political history of the space age(New York:Basic Books, 1985)

Lisa McGirr, Suburban warriors:the origins of the new American Right(Princeton, NJ:Princeton University Press, 2001)

James T.Paterson, Grand expectations:The United States, 1945-1974.New ed.(New York:Oxford University Press, 1998)

Charles M.Payne, I've got the light of freedom:the organizing tradition and the Mississippi freedom struggle(Berkeley:University of California Press, 1995)

Howell Raines, My soulis rested:movementdays in the Deep South remembered(New York:Putnam, 1977)

Ellen Schrecker, Many are the crimes:McCarthyism in America(Princeton, NJ:Princeton University Press, 1998)

NeilSheehan, A bright shininglie:John Paul Vann and Americain Vietnam(New York:Rand om House, 1988)

Philip Taubman, Secret empire:Eisenhower, the CIA, and the hidden story of America's space espionage(New York:Simon and Schuster, 2004)

Martin Walker, The Cold War:a history(New York:Henry Holt and Co, 1993)

James H.Willbanks, The Tet of fensive:a concise history(New York:Columbia University Press, 2006)

Garry Wills, The Kennedy imprisonment:a meditation on power(Boston:Little, Brown and Co., 1985)

C.Vann Woodward, The strange career of Jim Crow(New York:Oxford University Press, 1978)

Daniel Yergin, Shattered peace:the origins of the Cold War and the national security state(New York:Houghton Mifflin, 1977)

Modern America/General

Stephen Ambrose, Rise to globalism:American foreign policy since 1938(New York:Penguin Books, 1997)

Adam J.Berinsky, In time of war:understand ing American public opinion from World War II to Iraq(Chicago:University of Chicago Press, 2009)

Robert F.Berkhof er, The white man's Indian:images of the American Indian from Columbus to the present(New York:Knopf:Rand om House, 1978)

Jefferson Cowie, Stayin'Alive:the 1970s and the last days of the working class(New York:The New Press, 2010)

David Ekbladh, Thegreat American mission:modernization and the construction of an American world order(Princeton, NJ:Princeton University Press, 2010)

Adam Fairclough, Better day coming:blacks and equality, 1890-2000.Reprint.(New York:Penguin Books, 2002)

Niall Ferguson, Colossus:the rise and fall of the American empire(London and New York:Penguin Books, 2004)

Gary Gerstle, American crucible:race and nation in the twentieth century(Princeton, NJ and Oxford:Princeton University Press, 2001)

Paula Giddings, When and where I enter:the impact of black women on race and sex in America(New York:Morrow, 1984)

Michael J.Heale, Twentieth-century America:politics and power in the United States(London:Arnold, 2004)

Rhodri Jeffreys-Jones, The FBI:a history(New Haven, CT and London:Yale University Press, 2007)

Linda K.Kerber, No constitutionalrightto be ladies:women and the obligations of citizenship(New York:Hill and Wang, 1998)

Michael Mann, Incoherent empire(London and New York:Verso, 2003)

James T.Patterson, Restless giant:the United States from Watergate to Bush vs.Gore.New ed.(New York:Oxford University Press, 2007)

Jonathan M.Schoenwald, A time for choosing:the rise of modern American conservatism(Oxford:Oxford University Press, 2003)

Michael S.Sherry, In the shadow of war:the United States since the 1930s(New Haven, CT:Yale University Press, 1997)

