LL: Well, I received an invitation to a very fancy New Year"s Eve party once from my boss. I didn"t read the invitation very closely though.
LH: Uh-oh. 你犯了什麼不可饒恕的 party foul 嗎?
LL: Well, when I showed up at the party and all the men were wearing tuxedos, I knew I had committed a party foul.
LH: 別人都穿正式的燕尾服,只有你一個人穿西裝,肯定特尷尬吧?哎,時間不早了,咱們是不是該走了?
LL: This has been a nice party, but you are right, Li Hua. We really should split.
LH: We need to split. Split 不是把東西劈成兩半的意思嗎?
LL: It is, but split S-P-L-I-T is also a slang term meaning to leave a place - and sometimes to leave a place quickly.