本篇論文訴求之物件,就如同Eichner編輯”Why Economics is not yet a Science”所企求者:“…that the essays in this collection are directed primarily at those outside economics – even though it is hoped that minds within the profession, especially younger ones, are still open to persuasion. One audience is the lay public. It is this group which suffers the most from economics in its present form, not just in terms of the resources consumed in supporting those who hold teaching and research positions in the field but also in terms of the damage done by there not being a better understanding of how the economy works. The even more important audience, however, is the broader community of scientists. It is this group which most directly threatened when ideas falsely masquerade as science, and it is this group which must respond accordingly.” (Eichner, 1983a, pp. xiii-xiv;黑體字為作者所加,以後之引注亦同。)